Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Getting Better

Oh good, another post! It's only been a few days, and this time I have some successes to share. Woo hoo!

Yesterday I went and visited some friends in their apartment, only to find them busy doing a P90X video in their living room. Seeing that kind of galvanized me into action . . . nothing makes me feel lamer or lazier than watching somebody else work out. So I came home, chatted with my roommate for a minute or two, and then turned on the 10 Minute Yoga video my mom gave me a while back.

I got about five minutes into the first routine when I realized something rather important: I hate yoga. Really. I absolutely hate it. I was already wondering how in the world I was going to do five more minutes, let alone two or three more routines. My body just doesn't do what these people say it should do. If I can't even do the basics, how in the world am I supposed to do the calorie burn? So I turned the video off.

But don't worry, my friends, this is not the end of my work-out story. Since I was already all dressed for exercising, I decided to put on my Kenpo X video, which is part of the P90X exercise video series. I'm way too much of a wuss to do the whole routine (P90X is a killer), but I had done Kenpo X before and had forgotten how much I love it. I sweat like a dude and burn who knows how many calories, and I never once think, "I hate this. I just want to stop right now."

Yes for one success story from this week! No, I didn't work out on Monday, or today. I was going to do another P90X video (because I really didn't feel like driving to the gym), but then some friends visited, and I got caught up in updating my other blog (it's pretty cool looking—you should check it out here), and now it's 11:20 and I think my sleep goal is going to trump my work-out goal.

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